RADAR Web Portal Requirements

Thank you for using RADAR Web. For optimal performance, please refer to the configuration requirements for RADAR Web listed below:

    1. A broadband internet connection. Dial up and satellite users will experience diminished application performance, especially when reviewing large document files.
    2. Both Windows and MAC operating systems are supported. (Some limitations apply with the MAC Operating System. Please see browser requirements below).
    3. Supported browsers for Windows Operating Systems include: Microsoft Internet Explorer Vers 6.0 SP1 or greater, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
    4. Supported browsers for MAC Operating Systems include: Chrome, Safari, and Opera. Firefox is NOT supported while using the MAC Operating System.
    5. Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader version 5 or higher (Free download). Most documents will be delivered using Adobe PDF files and will require at minimum Adobe Reader.
    6. Set your monitor resolution to 1024 x 768. Otherwise you will have to scroll left and right to see the entire form.

Please contact us if you have any further questions on the system requirements.